IMPARIAMO! Italian Language Intensive Online Group Course

Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE



Hören, Sprechen, Aussprache, Lesen, Schreiben, Wortschatz, Grammatik und Aktivitäten


1-8 Wochen
Jeden ersten Montag im Monat
Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche
10 lessons per week (jede Kurseinheit entspricht 60 Minuten)
Montag - Freitag

Der Stundenplan kann sich aufgrund der aktuellen Verfügbarkeit und Saison ändern.


Daily classes will let you experience a fully immersive virtual journey into the Italian language from the comfort of your home.

The IMPARIAMO! Italian Language Intensive Online Group Course is the ultimate experience for a full immersion into the Italian language and culture. Your daily live classes will allow you to achieve your best goals and obtain maximum proficient results.

You can easily book and start learning online through our dedicated and user friendly e-learning platform, that will allow you to virtually meet people from all over the world in a friendly and engaging small class.

The IMPARIAMO! Online Italian Language Intensive Group Course is structured in 2 hours per day, Monday through Friday, inclusive of grammar, conversation and highly engaging interactive activities.
Classes are small and arranged according to students' different levels and time zones.

This course is the best solution for you if you want to take advantage of free time from your job or if you have specific goals to reach. The course length is flexible and you can easily adjust it according to your needs.

All sessions are fully guided and live streamed.
Can’t join one? No worry! Sessions can be recorded upon request so you can always be up to date.

Niveau des Sprachkurses

Alle Sprachniveaus, Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene


Maximum 15 Studenten

Alter der Sprachschüler

Altersdurchschnitt 18 Jahre und älter


Ein Zertifikat wird am Ende des Sprachkurses ausgestellt.


  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 1/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 2/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 3/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 4/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 5/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 6/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 7/7

Fragen und Antworten

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